SLT049: Live The Life of Your Dreams

So, if you’re anything like us you want to live the life of your dreams, right? Well the life of your dreams is different for everyone, but the one common thing is that we all need to set up some mileposts to guide us along the way.

Live the life of your dreams


Maybe you’ve heard the saying that ‘A goal without a plan is a dream’. So, maybe live the life of your dreams should really be ‘Planning your life to meet your life goals!’ Naw…that doesn’t sound nearly as good. But sometimes it’s better to face reality and not sugar coat things. Whatever terms you want to use…life plan, desired end state, retirement plan…they are all planning terms to living they way we want to live. Continue reading…

Have You Checked Out Our Friends Over At Simple Life Reboot?

Simple Life Together listener and fellow simplicity blogger Sheryl Balthrop from was the subject of a recent story in Oregon’s Register Guard. Have a look!

Plus, if you haven’t read any of Sheryl’s or Dave’s posts on the Simple Life Reboot blog, then your missing out! Drop in and tell them we sent you (and say “Hi” for us)!

The Definition of Success

We all have our own definition of success. For some it means a certain income level, for others it’s a social status or professional accreditation. Though we each get to define what success means for us, whether or not others agree with your definition is up to them. Hopefully that doesn’t matter much to you.


For me, the definition of success is living life on my terms. I think success is achieved when we define those terms and begin to live our lives by them. We’re well on our way and constantly striving to make progress. Over the last couple of years Vanessa and I have been focusing more and more on the 5 pillars that guide our life together and define success for us: Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Freedom (if you’ve been listening to the show for a while, you may notice that the “Future” pillar changed to “Freedom”. You’ll be hearing more about that soon). Read more…

SLT048: To Do Lists In Four Easy Steps, & an Interview with Erik Fisher

Let’s face reality…we all have To Do lists.  And while they seem to be never ending at times, To Do Lists can be a good thing. It kinda means we’re still alive! If you don’t have any in your life, then you’re probably dead! So, knowing that we’ll always have To Dos, maybe we should have a plan for how to keep track of them and get them done! 

To do list


So what’s the best To Do list? Well, the best To Do lists are the ones that works for you! Whether you prefer an analog or digital solution…anywhere on the spectrum of tying a string around your finger, pencil and paper, or the latest To Do app…figure out the tool or tools that work best for you and stick with it/them. Continue reading…

SLT047: Simplify Your Wardrobe

Is it time to simplify your wardrobe? Think about it, what is it that dictates how big your wardrobe is or how many clothes you have? Is it fashion and changing trends? Is it utility? Is it the weather or the climate? Is it an expectation of society or your social circle? Is it the activities that you do that necessitate what you wear? Or is it simply the size of your container…be it an overnight bag or walk-in closet? The answer to all of these is probably YES! That’s the thing about clothes, we all wear different things for different reasons.


But, sometimes it’s like cable TV…500 channels and nothing on, right? You go into your huge walk-in closet and you can’t find a thing to wear! So what’s the real problem? Is it analysis paralysis…just too many decisions? Well, let’s dive into that. Read more…